Blueprints Operations
This section provides an overview of managing blueprints using the Qelos SDK. The examples demonstrate how to create, update, remove, and retrieve blueprint information, enabling administrators to effectively manage blueprints.
Fetching Blueprints Regular User
Get List of All Blueprints
To get a list of all blueprints, use the following code:
const blueprints = await sdk.blueprints.getList();
Get a Specific Blueprint by Name
const specificBlueprint = await sdk.blueprints.getBlueprint('blueprint_name');
Managing Blueprints Administrator
Creating a Blueprint
To create a new blueprint, use the following code:
await sdkAdmin.manageBlueprints.create({ name: 'New Blueprint', description: 'Description of the blueprint' });
Updating a Blueprint
To update an existing blueprint's information, use the following code:
await sdkAdmin.manageBlueprints.update('blueprintId', { name: 'Updated Name' });
Removing a Blueprint
To remove a blueprint, use the following code:
await sdkAdmin.manageBlueprints.remove('blueprintId');
Getting List of Blueprints
To get a list of all blueprints, use the following code:
const blueprints = await sdkAdmin.manageBlueprints.getList();
Getting a Specific Blueprint
To get a specific blueprint by its ID, use the following code:
const blueprint = await sdkAdmin.manageBlueprints.getBlueprint('blueprintId');